EU PAL-COPD project successfully evaluated by the European Union

The European Union has announced that the EU PAL-COPD proposal has been successfully evaluated and that they will be investing 7.55 million euros into the project, aiming to integrate palliative care in the treatment routine of people with advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in different healthcare systems in Europe.  This project, coordinated by VUB team, is is dedicated to enhancing palliative and end-of-life care for those living with advanced COPD. The EU PAL-COPD project is a multidisciplinary, interprofessional, international and intersectoral project aiming at evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the ICLEAR-EU intervention for people with advanced COPD in different healthcare systems in Europe. The European Union’s investment in the EU PAL-COPD project is a step towards their mission.