RECAP: EU PAL-COPD at the the XI National Congress, II International Congress of the Portuguese Association for Palliative Care

The XI National Congress and II International Congress of the Portuguese Association for Palliative Care were held in Aveiro on October 10-12 and our partners from Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Sandra Martins Pereira and Pablo Hernández-Marrero, and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Frederick Daenen, were proud to present our EU PAL-COPD project there.

The workshop presented by Pablo Hernández-Marrero on 'Empowering Leadership: Are we doing what is needed?'

The workshop was a great interactive session on what empowering leadership can mean, and why it is specifically important in the domain of palliative care.

Oct 10, 2024

Pablo Hernández-Marrero and Sandra Martins Pereira presented various European projects, including Pal-Cycles, In-Touch, VR-TaLkS and EU PAL-COPD

Sandra and Pablo showcased the projects in the parallel session ‘European projects with Portuguese presence’. The EU PAL-COPD banner, prominently displayed at the entrance of the session, caught the attention of attendees and sparked interest in the ongoing project.

Frederick Daenen presented in the parallel session ‘Technology and integration’, with the project COFII: Conflict or integration of palliative care in experimental phase I oncological trials: A qualitative study.

This abstract, jointly with other authors, received the award for the best abstract at the APCP conference. We extend our warmest congratulations to Frederick on this achievement!

Oct 11, 2024

A 'Meet The Expert' session with Sandra Martins Pereira

Sandra discussed research ethics and presented at a closing session announcing the next year's conference to take place in the Azores.

Oct 12, 2024