EU PAL-COPD Consortium its first Supervisory Board meeting

Last week, the EU PAL-COPD consortium convened virtually for its first Supervisory Board meeting. Held on 27 January, this meeting provided an excellent opportunity to review the significant progress made during the first year of the EU PAL-COPD project and to strategise for the upcoming steps toward the randomised controlled trial of the ICLEAR-EU intervention. A key focus of the meeting was the dissemination efforts, with partners concentrating on strategies for effectively sharing both current and future results.

Work package leaders presented updates on their progress, discussed challenges, and outlined next steps, while also highlighting their synergies with other work packages. Interactive sessions enabled partners to collaboratively address challenges and gather valuable feedback from the consortium to refine their work further.

Thank you to everyone involved for making this Steering Board meeting both successful and productive, and for sharing their valuable contributions with the consortium.